Friday, June 19, 2015

Striped Bass Blitz in my New Old Town Predator XL minn kota

I have a few trips with my new Predator XL minn kota under my belt and all I can say is, wow! I have mainly fished for striped bass so far. The thing about fishing flats for striped bass during the day is that the fish are feeding on schools of tiny baitfish such as silversides and sandeels. The bait is always trying to get away from the schools of hungry stripers which means they are always on the move. The fish will come up in one place, feed for as long as they can keep the bait condensed, and then they go back down to reform the bait into a tightly packed ball. Where will they come back up? Well, if your in a kayak it seems like it is always a half a mile away. Often times they go back down before you can paddle to them making for some very long and very tiring days.

Last Saturday was this was and I was fishing with my good friend Chuck. Poor Chuck paddled his arms off for one or two fish while I, with my Predator XL minn kota, caught at least 30 fish. There was no denying that I caught more fish because I had the motorized kayak plus the fact that the smaller profile of my kayak didn't spook the fish as easily as a boat does.

Fast forward to the following Tuesday. I headed out for some recon because I had an upcoming guided trip. The skies were overcast and there was little wind. Both perfect conditions for striped bass surface action. As I was unloading my Predator and gear I noticed a few distant birds working some bait on the surface. I quickly unloaded and got on the water as fast as I could. As soon as I approached where I saw the birds I could see schoolie stripers feeding on the surface. Backs were coming out of the water and fish were tail-smacking bait. Tail smacking is a common technique used by stripers to stun bait and swing around to eat the stunned prey. There were fish blitzing everywhere!

I made my first cast and hooked up immediately. I caught several more schoolies between 20" - 24" before the fish went down. I remarked to myself that days like this are when the fish stick around for long periods of time. Sure enough, within minutes the fish were right back up and continued to blitz for hours. I played with using different lures, but the stripers were so fixed on what they were eating that it was only a paddletail shad which was able to get their attention. I have no idea how many fish I caught that day. I had the GoPro running and put together a nice short video. Eventually my arms were so tired from catching fish that I couldn't set the hook anymore. I left the fish blitzing just the way I found them five hours earlier.

Interested in a guided striped bass kayak fishing trip? Visit the kayak fishing page at for details.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Old Town Predator XL Minn Kota: Rigging and Maiden Voyage

I received my new Predator XL Minn Kota late in the day on Friday with just enough time to unwrap it, register it, and get a couple of Scotty rod holder mounts installed before losing daylight.  With daylight waning I headed inside to mount my Sonarphone SP200 T-BOX to the Minn Kota Console.

I have been using the SP100 T-POD for a couple of years, but I was really looking forward to being able to use the Navionics Boating app in a split-screen mode and the dual-beam skimmer-style transducer. Installing the SP200 was made easy by the removable mounting plates on the top and bottom of the motor console. The only change  I needed to make was to enlarge the hole that went from the transducer wire tunnel into the console to accommodate the plug end of the SP200. In anticipation of receiving her I purchased a new 160 minute deep cycle marine battery at my local warehouse store and had it charged and ready to go.

My plan was to head out just after first light the next morning so I could get used to the set up before my friend Chuck arrived, and hopefully find a few striped bass to cast at. I realized in minutes that there was little to get used to, except not having to paddle. I immediately found myself accomplishing tasks on my way to the fishing spot that I normally had to make time for, usually before launching or after arriving at my fishing spot. This left me feeling more prepared and less rushed.

I launched and made my way across New Hampshire's Little Bay to an area with submerged structure that almost always holds fish when the current is running. It was about an hour past low tide and I was expecting to see fish when I turned on my iPad. I quickly noticed that I was able to position myself over the structure in heavy current and, using the motor and foot pedals, hold myself in place to get a good look at my fish finder. Sure enough, the fish were beginning to set up on the structure.

I dropped a Daddy Mac Lures 1.4 Elite Deluxe to the bottom, reeled up two cranks, and had a bite right away. I set the hook and reeled in what felt like a 28" fish. However, I suspected that the current was playing a big part in how big the fish felt. Sure enough, it was a small 18" schoolie striper. I wasn't complaining though, I just like catching.

Eventually Chuck arrived and joined me. It wasn't long before I turned to see him about a half mile away. The wind and current were in the same direction and Chuck was struggling to stay over the structure we were fishing. He did the best he could to stay over the fish, and I did the best I could not to point out his struggle to stay over the spot, and my lack of.

One of the characteristic signs of striped bass is the presence of diving terns. Some days they just never show up, but today wouldn't be that day. We noticed some terns diving about a half mile away. I cranked up the 45 pound thrust Minn Kota and headed their way. This is where things often get frustrating. I can't count the number of times I have seen diving birds that far away and made my way toward them, only to have them move on or the stripers to go back down before I could get to them. Not today though. I was able to get to the breaking fish in no time and having a smaller profile than most of the boats out there, I didn't spook the fish. For the next three hours I caught fish ranging from 22" - 28" on almost every cast. I caught them on the Daddy Mac 1.4 Elite Deluxe and on 6" paddle tail shads.When the fish moved, I was able to stay with them. Chuck on the other hand was at a clear disadvantage. Since the fish almost always move up current and into the wind, Chuck struggled to get near them and as soon as he got to them and made a cast, the fish moved farther away. I know the feeling and while I sympathized, I wasn't going to let that stop me from putting the hook into more fish.

Eventually we decided to head in. Poor Chuck's arms were smoked from paddling which offered me a great opportunity to try towing another kayak. I tied off to the side of Chuck's kayak in a way that allowed us to quickly and easily detach and towed him all the way back to the launch. It gave him a much needed break, and gave us a great chance to recap the day. I had fished, and fished aggressively, for over 8 hours and my battery still had plenty of juice left.

I have no idea what my total catch for the day was, but it was a lot. My arms felt like rubber and it wasn't from paddling, since I never picked up my paddle.  The fish were there, the boat was right for the situation, and the day was a huge success. The stars aligned, and fish were caught. It was just the sort of day every kayak angler dreams about. The only thing lacking was the size of the fish, but that will come...very soon, so stay tuned.

This new kayak is going to be the perfect addition to the Tim Moore Outdoors guide service kayak fleet. It will allow me to get to my clients faster and offer an element of safety and comfort for those who find themselves in need of a tow.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

First Productive Flounder Trip

I headed out last week in my Predator 13 kayak hoping for two flounder to eat for dinner that evening with my wife. After a very slow start to the flounder season I figured the bite would be on since the water has been warming, or so I thought. Upon paddling across the first harbor I fished I noted water temperature was 46.4 degrees, much colder than I had anticipated. I was hoping for 50 degrees. I was loaded with light tackle, flounder rigs, and sea worms. It was winter flounder, or blackbacks, I was after. They are delicious fried or baked, and I had my mouth watering for some fried.

I headed to one of my more reliable spots, a sheltered harbor with mud bottom, but I was uncertain since my last two tries there produced nothing. Sure enough, four hours later and having drifted the entire harbor twice, I still hadn’t had a bite. It was discouraging to say the least. I had one last trick up my sleeve that I wanted to try before admitting defeat. It was a small area of the harbor, only accessible at high tide. I paddled in, dropped my line, and hooked a fish right away. It was a short 6” flounder, but it was more than I had caught in the previous four hours. Even though it was too short to keep (NH has a 12" minimum length limit) it was promising since where there is one, there are usually more. One more drift and one more flounder, except this time it was a 16” fish. I was psyched. I only needed one more keeper to make a good meal for two of us, but it wasn’t going to happen in that spot. After fishing it out with several drifts and rechecking my regular hole with no results I decided to pack up and try a different harbor, one that I wasn’t as familiar with for flounder. I was determined to go home with dinner without having to stop at the grocery store on my way home.

I loaded my kayak and fishing gear and headed to the new location. Two hours of drifting produced nothing. The wind was favorable for a drift back toward the launch so I figured I would head in with my tail between my legs. I re-baited and began my final drift. I figured I would pick something up at the store on my way home to go with the flounder in hopes that I could stretch what I had into a meal for two. Not long after beginning my drift I felt the infamous double-tap of a flounder. I gave it a few seconds to “climb on” and gently set the hook. It was a nice one, definitely a keeper. I put the fish on the stringer and continued my drift. A minute or two later another bite, and another fish. This time it was a bit smaller, but still a keeper. I felt like I was on top of the world. No trip to the grocery store for me. I wondered, could I be so lucky again? Was there a pocket of fish holding in this one area for whatever reason? I continued my drift while I started putting some of my stuff away. I looked up and saw that I was dragging weight on my line, but figured it was sea weed. I lifted my rod and began reeling, but quickly realized it was another respectable flounder. I fished for nine hours, the last three hours of the incoming tide and all of the outgoing tide for four flounder. I'm just glad I was able to pull off dinner in the eleventh hour.